Will Royalty7 Scam soon ?
April 22nd, 2012
Are you able to explain why Royalty7.com ranks in
the top 3 best, most profitable HYIP of 2012 ? No ? Today I’m asking
you, veteran members of our community, to share your valuable experience
and discuss why Royalty 7 is not going down. What makes it so popular?
For instance, do you expect an imminent Royalty 7 scam ? I’m confident
that together, we’ll be able to help a lot of people with their HYIP
investments in general.First, I kindly ask you to answer this poll question. Of course, you need to investigate R7 if you never heard about it.
Will you risk money in Royalty 7 within the next month ( April - May ) ?
Thanks a lot for your anonymous participation. It’s always interesting to feel the general vibe for a popular HYIP like Royalty7. This one launched on November 11th 2011 !
You’ll remember that I risked 200$ on January 16th . Thirty calendar days later, after cashing an awesome 54% profit , I decided to make my money work elsewhere. Today on April 22nd, it’s easy to conclude it would have been profitable to re-invest. I know several privatehyipblog.com subscribers did and I’m glad for you guys. By the way, if you still have money profiting in Royalty 7, can you share your plan for the coming weeks?
Before publishing a review with my own views and positions, I thought it would be more dynamic to give you the mic . You know, a lot of people are e-mailing me, wondering if they sould invest/ re-invest in Royalty 7. In short, they want to know if it’s not too late. No one wants to throw money down at a scam!
So, what are your pros and cons when it comes to consider a new investment with Royalty7?
Thanks for your helpful contribution . If you have more questions than answers, don’t be shy and ask out loud ! The Private HYIP Blog stands precisely to shed some light on this undergound HYIP industry. We’re stronger together.
Next article will be about Eurex Trade and their +400 days online.
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